Merry Christmas and happy holidays from our house to yours. It has been a wonderful year, we spend most of our time working on the farm, but are happy with how great it looks. The kids are doing well, Kate is done with school at CWU in Ellensburg and is home, working at Gorman winery and considering her options for full time career work. Will is starting the graphic design program at school and living in Bellingham. Tucker continues to work at Triplehorn Brewery and take classes at the Alyssa Burnett Center. The highlight of our year with the dogs was winning both Best in Sweepstakes with our young dog Player, his very first show, and Best In Veteran Sweepstakes with Coal at the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac. Total entry is 1,400 Labradors. We also began running our wonderful Jud Little mare, Magnolia. While she doesn't always win we have dubbed her the check magnet as she is exceedingly lucky. Love her. Scott has taken some great fishing trips in Montana and Washington and we have enjoyed visits from east coast family and friends. We also traveled east to judge at the National specialty, and enjoyed visitng with family in Boston on the same trip. Life is good! Happy Holidays to all, and best wishes for the new year.